Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Long Wait

From Girl Confessions #17, 18
And 19 Three Examples Of The
Great Art Of Bill Everett 
From The 1950's


  1. Believe it or not, but I was just thinking it would be nice to see Everett romance work. The Venus stories you posted recently were good, too.

    I got behind in my blog-reading, but there's been a lot of enjoyable stuff on this here one since I last commented. One of the big stand-outs for me was that FELIX THE CAT issue, so I hope you'll post more of them. The usual horror/mystery stuff & stuff are appreciated as well. The war & western stories have been good as well.

  2. 'usual horror/mystery stuff & Archie stuff' was what I meant to write.

  3. including the 'Archie horror/mystery stuff' for that matter.

  4. Glad you are enjoying the posts more Felix The Cat to come!
