Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Hunt For Clovis Dobbs

Here's A Great Issue Of Haunted 
(Issue #11) From 1973 With Art
 By Pete Morisi, Steve Ditko 
And Joe Staton.


  1. Charlton offered a grab bag of horror tales in each comic, each artist offered something different in each tale, Charlton tales were unpredictable, but never boring. Thanks once again or the Charlton post!

  2. 1973 was a good year for Charlton and comic books and media in general in my opinion. Lots of good books, movies and music were released that year,

  3. All the artists did strong work in this issue. I was particularly struck by the long bottom panel on page 4 of Pete Morisi's story with the great silhouettes and overall composition including the caption box. I also especially liked page 2 of Steve Dikto's story, ESPECIALLY especially the elongated final panel with the silhouette and emphasis on depth perception.

  4. Yeah Morisi's work was strong in this issue. I never really loved his work. I guess he was what they used to call a "swipe" artist but I enjoyed his story a lot here. This was one of the better Charlton horror issues in my opinion.
