Friday, May 31, 2019

If The Shoe Fits

Art By Joe Edwards, Bob White,
Harry Lucey And Dan DeCarlo
From Issue #4 Of Archie Andrews
Where Are You.


  1. 'Archie Andrews, Where Are You?' is right: He doesn't show up until the fourth feature! That being said, overall this is a pretty well-balanced issue.

    I like the first story, but it does kinda spotlight the evolution of Archie's character. If this had come out in the forties or even early to mid fifties, Reggie's role would have gone Archie because Archie really did start off as pretty much a sleazy jerk. The pairing with Jughead really calls attention to it.

    On the other hand, the li'l Jinx story is really quite sweet. I like how her dad is so indulgent after she explains herself and does not go ballistic over all the stickers that would most likely be a horror to remove. The ending caught me by surprise in a really nice way. Sure, some people may find it corny, but those people have no souls.

    I'm afraid I'm not such a fan of the Archie universe take on superheroes, but I do like the Archie universe take on monsters, which thankfully their superheroes often encounter. Still, what are they trying to say about Veronica & her literal embrace of the heavy?

    The last three stories are all good, solid stories in the true Archie manner. I like the single page gags scattered throughout the issue. I think they create a bigger feeling of unity to the whole. I don't suppose they were from the newspaper strip?

  2. Oh yeah, and Miss Grundy in that wig reminds me less of Harpo Marx and more of Jughead. They have the same face!

  3. I do like the Pureheart The Powerful Archie superheroes mostly because I remember buying those books back in the late 60's at the local supermarket. The Archie Monsters are cool too!

    The 1 pagers are from the Archie Newspaper strips and are by Bob Montana.

    I never realized these Archie digests where being published as far back as 1977.
