Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Art By Harry Lucey And Joe Edwards From Archie Annual #25. Published In 1973.



  1. Ha! It's almost like this issue was meant to illustrate 'the wheel of karma' with Archie going through the extremes of putting out his parents with his nuttiness to being put out with the nuttiness of others. Granted Archie deals with it with a lot more aplomb than his parents did, so it doesn't come up to poetic justice by any means.

    That's a nice Li'l Jinx story, though it does seem padded out at two pages. I don't blame Joe Edwards for it. I'm sure he was just told to come up with two pages to fill a hole in the issue and did what he could with it. Nice enough, though.

  2. This is prime Archie comics in my opinion. Harry Lucey really turn out a lot of great art in the 60's and early 70's. Joe Edwards was an artist I really appreciate a lot more now. I seem to remember some longer Jinx tales in some earlier Archie books. I will look around to see if I can find them and post them.
