Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Eye Of Beauty

Art By Sanho Kim, Enrique
Nieto And Pat Boyette On
 Issue #7 Of Haunted Love.
Published In 1975. 


  1. All were great stories, even the two pager. Enrique Nieto's artwork is unforgettable and unique, its always great to see his work in any form.

  2. Enrique Nieto is Great! I had not seen his art much before posting these tales but he is a favorite now!

  3. A good issue full art I would have hated as a kid but can appreciate now.

    To be honest, though, I must admit I'm still just warming to Enrique Nieto's art and still don't love his figures/people/whatever I should call them, but I can appreciate his sense of place & space on these pages.

    The Pat Boyette one had the weakest or at least most dream-logicy story, but it did have great art. I really liked the page with the falling leaves. I don't actually think they contribute anything to the story, but I like that he had the desire to go to the bother of putting them in.

    Oh, and Sanho Kim did a good, solid job on his story, too.

  4. I just love all these Charlton tales. Nieto's art can be hit or miss sometimes but I am just discovering his art.
    Sanho Kim is another artist who's work I appreciate more now.
