Thursday, January 9, 2020

From Out Of The Grave

From Adventures Into Terror 29
From Out Of The Grave With
Art By Gene Colan.
 Published In 1954.


  1. This is good early artwork by Colan, but I don't think I've seen a comic book story that wasn't at least conflicted about using cadavers for medical studies. It's like stories about witches in colonial Puritan setting: witchcraft is either real... or it's real. Here, our grave-robber is portrayed as a bad guy BEFORE he kills the guard. Furthermore he isn't punished for that killing, he's killed for the grave-robbing. Actually, even that's not true, because the story ends by focusing on the fact that the corpses have been dissected. Evil, evil medical studies... man was not meant to understand human anat

  2. anatomy, I guess. To the point of me screwing up my comment, it seems. Wish me luck facing down my supernatural vengeance...
