Saturday, December 28, 2019

Bon Voyage

Part 2 Of Bon Voyage
From Archie #134. Art
By Harry Lucey.


  1. Thanks for posting the second half of 'Bon Voyage' and 'Cover Up'as well. They may be labeled Archie stories and start off following him but they both end up being on Mr. Lodge's stories (even if Mr. Lodge ends up obsessing on Archie). Anway, more great stories & art.

    I've gotten kinda behind on my comics blog-reading this month, but I just got through catching up on this one (if not yet your other one). There was a nice range of stories and a high level of quality in your choices. Lots of beautiful Toth art and that nice Everett piece, for example. Also, that Frosty the Snowman comic was great fun. Lots of great Archie stuff, too, of course, but I enjoyed many other posts as well. Many thanks to you (& other bloggers, too) for sharing such enjoyable comics.

  2. Hey thank you for enjoying these books and have a Happy New Year!
