Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tennis Anyone?

Great Dan DeCarlo Art From
Issue #92 Of Betty And Veronica
Published In 1963.



  1. Ah... prime Dan DeCarlo... always nice.

    My favorite exchange was 'eye drops are good for irritated eyes.'/'Got anything for irritated guys?' It's snappy writing, but it's something that's believable as a snarky comment in real life. That compact two-page was snappy through & through, actually.

    I like that Angela, too. She's got a lot of personality--both dialog-wise & visually--for such a peripheral character. That's the date to look forward to. She seems like a wild one.

  2. Yeah early to mid-sixties Dan DeCarlo tales are my favorite Archie comics. I know Harry Lucey was great but Dan was the man!
