Saturday, July 27, 2019

This Burden - This Responsibility

From Issue #47 Of Creepy
Here's This Burden - This
Responsibility With Art
By Jerry Grandenetti.
Published In 1972.


  1. Both Steve Skeates and Jerry Grandenetti did a good job on this. Skeates could write stories where he seemed to be saying, 'This is what happened. Now you figure it out. You decide what it means.' Certainly no one would interpret this situation in a positive light, but there's no easy villain to point your finger at or single trend to attack. It's just, 'This is the situation. Deal with it.' And Grandenetti offers up one disquieting & disorienting slice of futurism to compliment it quite nicely.

  2. I had not read this tale in years but I can see this scenario
    happening for real in a few years...if not sooner.
    Great art by the very underrated Jerry Grandentti,

  3. They predicted Johnny Mnemonic. now Elon Musk is working on a real world version of this!

    I prefer science fiction to remain fiction, not serve as a roadmap for reality.

  4. Science Fiction becomes science fact...scary stuff indeed.
