Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Swinger

Published In 1975 Here's 
The Swinger From Issue #3
Of Secrets Of The Haunted
House. Art By Ramona Fradon. 



  1. Boy, the last image was pretty gruesome, especially for a comics code approved comic. Its something they could get away with in the fifties, or a Warren magazine story.

  2. The comics code had been eroded by this time by major comic book companies pushing the envelope. It eventually was abandoned by 2001.

  3. Ramona Fradon is another great artist with an idiosyncratic style. She makes the protagonist weird & ugly (it sells him being rich, the only thing that could allow him to be a playboy), but the dates are quite attractive (if implicitly gold-diggers). On the other hand, the staging of the courtroom/execution scene plays like frontier justice, like they sentenced him & dragged him off to the gallows all at one go. And I have to agree that's one grisly final panel.

  4. I loved Ramona Fredon's art on Metamorpho...it's one of my favorite books of the 60's.
