Friday, May 17, 2019

Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes

Classic EC Horror From Issue #24
Of The Haunt Of Fear With Drink To
Me Only With Thine Eyes. Art By
Ghastly Graham Ingels From 1954.


  1. There were two waves of EC reprint in the 80s & 90s, the first one was double-sized offerings of two titles in one issue reprinting the original issues at random and the second a more systematic reprinting project starting from the beginning of each title & running to the end. I got every thing from the first and so didn't need everything from the second and ended up missing issues I did need & not getting a complete collection of Al Feinstein-edited stuff. (The Harvey Kurtzman war books weren't in that first wave of reprints so I did pick up almost all of them in that second one.)

    Anyway! As much as spousal abuse was featured in the EC horror & crime books I can't remember any overt instances of spousal rape, but we've got it here. And those hillbillies listening in in appreciation... YIKES! I can't say I think much of the lover either with his why-don't-you-put-up-with-it-a-bit-longer attitude. Both of the guys deserved to die, but I sure feel bad for her.

  2. I was talking to a friend the other day about the comics of the early 50's and we were wondering who were these books written for? These stories are pretty rough for kids and probably wouldn't be published today but on the other hand we want free speech. EC definitely went to far but Dr. Wertham was an idiot.

  3. I just wonder now if this tale was lifted from an old radio story.
    Some of the Old Time Radio horror tales were "borrowed" by comics writers and adapted into the printed media.
