Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Be It Ever So Humble

From House Of Secrets #97
Be It Ever So Humble With
Art By Dick Dillin And Jack
Abel. Published In 1972.



  1. That couple were foolish and ungrateful, to go from a rancher to a mansion without spending one cent in renovations, they shouldn't have looked a gift horse in the mouth.

    1. After a second look, it was the wife who caused the trouble, the husband was grateful at first with the changes to the house, but made the mistake of siding with his wife when the original owner showed up. Had the husband just dumped his complaining wife or tried to calm things down with the original owner things might have turned out differently. Hopefully the new couple might have better luck.

  2. I would have gotten the heck out of that house and put it back for sale as quick as possible. An odd tale but fun. Interesting script by Len Wein.
