Friday, March 8, 2019

Male Call

Nice Art By Harry Lucey
On A Couple Of Tales From 
Issue #159 Of Archie. 
Published In 1965. 


  1. I like both stories, but that first one's particularly dynamic & action-packed with lots of layering of the foreground and background, Archie charging out of that panel on the second page and arriving at the girls' picnic on the last being standouts. We're completely in the Archie universe here with the characterization coming mostly from what we know about the characters, not what we are shown here, but that's fine, nothing wrong with that. The reader can feel like one of the gang, then.

  2. To me these mid 60's tales were Harry Lucey at his artistic best. Dan DeCarlo was at his peak as well. Maybe it's just me but a lot of the artists of the time seemed to be a their prime (Kirby, Ditko,
    Frazetta etc.). A great time for comics and fantasy.
